Consulting and advisory services in strategy and development

Legal Matter


17 Avenue Marcel Proust - 75016 Paris - France

RCS : PARIS B 478 378 441
APE : 741G
SIRET : 478 378 441 00016

Law on data processing and liberties (6th January 1978) 

According to the law n°78-17 promulgated the 6th January 1978 you can at any moment access to personal information concerning yourself and held by WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM, ask for their modification or suppression (by sending a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thus, you can, in an irrevocable manner, ask for modification, complement, clarification or deletion for the data concerning yourself that may be false, inaccurate, equivocal, outdated or for which the collection or utilization, communication of conservation is forbidden.

Law of 1st August 2000 on liberty of communication (modifying the law of 30th September 1986): the Internet site WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM is published by Progressus Corporation.
The hosting of this Internet site is realized by the company:
    2 rue Kellermann
    59100 ROUBAIX
Website design and realization : Catherine Mollet —

Collection of nominative informations

In consideration of the law of the 6th Janauary 1978 (Law "data processing and liberty") we inform you that nominative data collected to Internet users through a form on WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM could in no case be transmitted, on a free or charged basis, to third persons or entities.

Right property 

All the content of this Internet site (including registred brands, domain names, texts, graphics, logos, sounds, photos and animations) are property of the publishers of the site, with the exception of contents coming from partners of WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM. The protection of the site WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM therefore results from national and international legislation relative to rigths of intellectual property. In consequence, any copy and/or representation and/or rediffusion, partially or totally, on any support, wether electronic or not, present or future, are forbidden unless explicit and prealable authorization. The non-observance of this prohibition constitutes an act of counterfeit engaging the civil and penal liabilities for any violator. In the same way, the data bases of informations are protected according the right applicable to data compilation. So that any extraction or attempt at extraction, wether total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and penal liabilities for any violator.

Hypertext links

We inform you that WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM authorizes and Internet site or other support to cite WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM or implement hypertext links pointing to the address WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM. The authorization to implement a link is valid for all support, exception of those diffusing information in matter political, religious, pornographic, xenophobe or being able to harm the sensitivity of people. Under this authorization, our team reserves a right of opposition. Moreover, in the context of the implementation of a hypertext link on your site, we also grant you the right to reproduce our logo limited to the installation of the aforesaid link and of the referencing of WWW.PROGRESSUS-CORP.COM. For this reason, the format and the charter of the logo will have to be respected.